Attention Publishers & Agents:
"LIGHTNING STRIKES: My Lifetime Tour in Stories and Pictures" by LOU CHRISTIE
is seeking Representation and a Publishing House to call home!
"Lou Christie's picturesque memoir is like his music - catchy, smart, timeless, unique, and a rare commodity. His music, and now his book, are as contemporary as today!"
-Marc Eliot, NY TIMES Bestselling Author
"Ladies and gentlemen,
Millions of girls and boys of all ages, over a span of three plus generations have heard those words, from Dick Clark's American Bandstand in the early 60's, to this very day, on premiere stages across America. The love affair between this Rock 'n' Roll living legend and his legions of fans is stronger than ever, even as younger audiences are now discovering his impact on musical history. You've probably heard some of Lou's classic hits - Lightning Strikes, Rhapsody in the Rain, The Gypsy Cried and I'm Gonna' Make You Mine. His song Trapeze appeared in the acclaimed film Before Sunrise, and his recording of Beyond the Blue Horizon was a centerpiece in the Academy Award Winner Rain Man. A collection of unreleased songs called Gypsy Bells: Columbia Recordings 1967, by England's Ace Records, was released just last year, receiving tremendous International acclaim.
Yet the behind-the-scenes stories of this journey have never been told, which is why I'm reaching out to you today. We are searching for the right person to represent the book written by the man himself, LIGHTNING STRIKES - My Lifetime Tour in Stories and Pictures by Lou Christie, which captures this remarkable journey, through 43 wonderful, funny, poignant, bawdy, inspiring, heart-warming, historically poignant stories and hundreds of personal photos. They reveal a unique peek into the Golden Age of Rock 'n' Roll, from someone who lived it, loved it, and created part of its timeless glow.
This is a journey that took him from a small coal mining town near Pittsburgh, to the Historic Brooklyn Fox, through the segregated deep South on Dick Clark's Caravan of Stars bus tour with a teenage Diana Ross at his side, ultimately spanning decades of interactions with other Rock Legends, such as Jimi Hendrix, James Brown, Little Richard, The Who, and many, many others.
"LIGHTNING STRIKES - My Lifetime Tour in Stories & Pictures" Audio Book Sample Chapter - WALK ON THE WILD SIDE
Sample Book Spread #1

Sample Book Spread #2

Sample Book Spread #3